Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Proposal PTK

Thank you dear MC. Milia and MC. Mira for sharing the Action Research Proposal in my journey. I will be forever grateful. May these help for others too as their references. GBU. 


Perangkat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX KD 3.10 & 4.10


Sekolah                                   : SMP NEGERI 1 SIDAMANIK
Mata Pelajaran                        : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                       : IX/II
Materi Pokok                          : Teks Khusus dalam Bentuk  Iklan
Alokasi Waktu                        :2 X 40 Menit (1 Pertemuaan)
Pertemuan ke-                         : 1 (Pertama)

Lembar Penilaian: Advertisement

Media Pembelajaran: Advertisement

Slides PPT: Advertisement

LKPD Kelas 9 KD 3.10 & 4.10

Monday, March 11, 2019

English for Grade 8: Asking for Permission

Watch the video about "Asking for Permission"

Sumber Belajar
v  Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The Bell, Kelas VIII,  Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016
v  Internet : 

Quiz for Grade 7: Public Buildings

English for Grade 7: Asking and Giving Information about Public Buildings

 Note: Learn more about asking and giving information about public building in the slides.

Asking and Giving Information about Public Buildings
a. Social Function:

To identify and to mention or name some public building around us.

b. The text structure:
  •           Opening 
  •           Content

Asking information about public building
Randa, what public buildings do you see around your school?
Giving information about public building
I see a public hospital and some universities.

Asking information about public building
Henri, what public buildings do you see when you go to school?
Giving and asking information about public building
I see three banks, a department store, and two hospitals. What about you?
Giving information about public building
I see some restaurants, a market, and a university

  •  Closing 

a.      Language Features
-       Some questions and statements related to public buildings
Asking information about name and the amount of public building
Giving information about name and the amount of public building
If you want to send a letter, where will you go?
I will go to the post office
How many department stores are there in Medan?
There are about ten department stores in Medan
What public buildings do you see when you go to school?
I see a public hospital. It is RSU Haji Medan.
Where do you go to read or borrow books?
I go to the library
Where is the police station around Aksara?
The police station is across from Bengkok traditional market.

-       Articles a, an, and the
a’ and ‘an’ are called indefinite articles. Indefinite means not specific.
the’ is called a definite article. Definite means specific.

I see an apartment. The apartment is on Jalan Asia.
I see a market, a hospital, and some universities.
The market is on Pasar III, the hospital is Rumah Sakit Haji
and the universities are STIPAP and UNIMED.

-       Preposition of Place

SMP N 27 Medan is on Jalan Pancing Pasar IV
The bank is next to the police station.
The hospital is near MTs N 2 Medan.
The the cinema is between bus station and the market
The tax office is across from the bank.
The Hotel is in front of the store

Watch this video to know further about the topic "Preposition of Place" !

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Quiz for Grade 9: Advertisement

English for Grade 9 : Advertisement




There are two kinds of written advertisements that are easily found in newspapers namely display and classified advertisements.

-          Display Advertisement


Display Advertisement

Promoting Tunas Pencak Silat
To persuade the readers to join Tunas Pencak Silat course
Target Readers
-          Parents
-          Primary and Junior High School Students

There are many structures we can find in many advertisements. However, in this lesson, the core of advertisement is headline, sub-headline, benefit (optional), and call-to-action.

-          Classified Advertisement

Classified advertisements consist of just a few lines in a column without pictures. 

Housework services. Need help to clean and fix your house? Services for your gutter, fences, floors, ditches. Call Heri, 08131940257
Brand new 2-bedroom houses. Ceramic floors, big sinks, shower and bath. Near market and bus terminal. Call RumahKita, 08159929439


1.     Definition
Advertisement is a commercial notification that has aim to encourage or persuade general society to buy or to use the product or service offered in the advertisement.

2.  Social Function
-          To advertise                                              : untuk mengiklankan
-          To offer                                                     : untuk menawarkan
-          To promote                                                : untuk mempromosikan
-          To attract people to …                              : untuk menarik orang supaya …
-          To persuade people to …                          : untuk merayu orang supaya ….
-          To make people interested in …               : untuk membuat orang tertarik…

3. The Structure of the Text
The text structures of the advertisement are headline, sub-headline, pictures, benefit (optional) and a call-to- action.

The information that we can find in the advertisement are such as goods/service, varieties, price, time/place, contact number/email-address, and selling points/promoting words.

Sumber Belajar

v  Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The Bell, Kelas IX,  Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2015

v  Buku Teks Pendamping Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP-MTs KelasIX, Penerbit Yrama Widya, Tahun 2018

Tuesday, March 5, 2019




To complete your work on Learning Activity 3, you need to do the tasks in this assignment sectionGo to the tasks now and follow the instructions.
Questions 1-5
GO 1
Where are we going for dinner?[1]

Answer Questions 1-5 based on the bar chart beside.
The  chart provides information about average weekly expenditures on meals away from home, spent by American households of different income groups in 2009.
2.      What is the social function of the chart?
To compare the average weekly expendintures on meals away from home spent by American households of different income groups in 2009.
3.      What does the bar in purple color means? The orange color?
It means that average expenditure by American households on dinner.
4.      In average, how much would the second income group spend on dining out in a month?
It would spend $ 11.
5.      Where does the data for this chart come from? Is the source of data credible? How do you know ?
The data for this chart comes from U.S Buereau of Labor Statistics. I thin it is credible. We can find the information on this chart and its data comes from logical government.

Questions 6-10


Changing trends in café income[2]



Answer Questions 6-10 based on the line chart.
6.      What do the letters J, F, M, etc, along the bottom of the graph mean?
The letters mean the names of month.
7.      What does 000s mean?
It means in thousands.
8.      What patterns can you see?
We can see the patterns line showing fluctuated trend of income.
9.      What comparisons can you make?
It can be seen that the tea rooms’ revenue reached the highest at about $160.000 of four cafes in January. By contrast, the income of the other three received a climb by vary degrees. In January – November period, the revenue of café cool not only stably went up but also achieved the highest in most months in comparison with that of café cool and wi-fi café. Nevertheless, the last year, the income of wi-fi café rocketed to a peak of approximately $190.00, followed up were internet express and café cool at about $ 130.000 and $ 120.000.
10.  Complete the summary for the chart below. Match options a-g with gaps 1-7 in the text.

The graph provides information about the income trends of four cafes over the last year.
Overall, although the income for all four cafes showed some fluctuation from month to month, we can identify some general upward and downward trends. As regards the earnings for The Tea Room, they went down over the year falling (1) significantly from almost $160.000 earnings a month to around $50.000 in December.

By contrast the income for the other three cafes went up by varying degrees. There was (2) a rise in Café Cool’s sales over the first ten months, followed by a sudden increase to $ 120.000. Futhermore, the income for both Internet Express and the Wifi Café (3) also went up in December. The former experienced (4) a stady fall to June but, after that income rose (5) steadily, ending the yaear at approximately $ 130.000 Likewise the trend for Wi-fi Café was upward. Between January and July, earnings (6) double from $50.000 to nearly $ 100.000 and (7) then rocketed to around $ 190.000.

It is noticeable that the income for The Tea Room is lower in the winter months than for the other three cafes.


GO 2

Answer these questions based on the line chart that follows.

1. What information does the chart provide?
The chart provides the information about monthly temperature of three cities for one year 

2. What is the most possible purpose of the chart?
To describe temperature changes of three cities in a year and to compare it with 3 cities. 

3. Which month has the highest average monthly temperature in the three cities? What is the temperature height?
June is the highest average monthly temperature in three cities and it is 340C. 

4. Which month has the lowest temperature in Cairo? What is the average temperature for Singapore for the same month?
It is January in Cairo. It is 260C in Singapore 

5. Which city has the most extreme temperature difference throughout the year? What is the minimum temperature? What is its highest one?
New Delhi has the most extreme temperature difference throughout the year. The minimun temperature is 140C. The highest one is 340C. 

6. Which city has the most stable temperature? What is the lowest temperature for this city? When does it happen?
Singapore has the most stable temperature. The lowest temperatue for this city is 260C. It happens in January. 

Questions 11-15

GO 3
How do we use water in the home?[3]

Answer Questions 11-15 based on the pie chart.

11. What information does the chart provide?
It provides the information about the water use activities / water consumption in home. 12. What is the most possible purpose of the chart?
To explain and describe the water use activities / water consumption in home.
13. What does each colored section in the chart mean/represent?
It means about the activity of use water / water consumption in home.
14. What comparisons can you make with data in the chart? Write out five of them?
1. 93% total water consumption used indoors is more than 7% outdoors.

2. Water consumption for baths ad taps is higher than water consumption for showers.

3. Toilet flushing used most water of all

4. Drinking water used least water of all

5. Water consumption used outdoor is less than water consumption used for washing up.


  1. Compare data in the chart with your own use of water. Report the results in not more than 150 words.

The chart above gives information about the water consumption in our house. We spend water for toilet flushing, showers, clothes washing, dishes washing, outdoor and drinking water. Ninety two percent total water consumption used indoors is more than eight percent used outdoors. Water consumption for showers is as much as water consumption for clothes and dishes washing. Toilet flushing used most water of all which is 27 % while drinking of water used least water of all which is 5 %. Overall, the water consumption indoors is higher than that in outdoor in our house.


[1] Food for Thought | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |November 2010
[2] McCarter, S., & Whitby, N. (2014). Improve your Skills: Writing for IELTS with Answer Key. London: Macmillan Education, p. 8-9.