Friday, January 11, 2019


Reflective Summary M3 LA 3


A biography presents subject’s life story with highlighting various aspects of his or her life.

1. Social Function
The social function of biography provides details regarding the life of a person or a thing in entertaining but informative manner. By the end of a biography, readers feel like they are well-acquainted with the subject.

2. Generic Structure of the Text
The generic structure of biography is:

- Orientation

Orientation is at the opening paragraph. It gives the readers the background information of the person.

- Events

It tells how the person gets the success, the solution of the problems that she/he has in chronological order.

- Re-orientation

It is the conclusion or the comment that tells about the achievement or the contribution of the person.

3. The Significant Lexico-grammatical Features
The significant lexico-grammatical features of biography are:

§ Simple past tense

§ Temporal sequence and temporal conjunction

§ Specific participants

§ Action verbs

§ Third person

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