Monday, January 7, 2019


One form of continuous professionalism improvement strategy is conducting Classroom Action Research. Try to identify the problems that exist in the school to be further compiled into the framework of research's proposal.


1. The Background of the Study
Based on curriculum 2013, writing recount text is one of the competences that should be mastered by students of Junior High School at 8th Grade. In reality, most of students in this grade are low in the ability of writing his or her personal recount. They cannot generate ideas about what they’re going to write. Writing activities is a kind of tedious activity for students. They just do the writing activities on the order of teacher not from their willingness. Students are not trained to keep hand in writing because of the limited time from both teacher and the timetable of lesson. They seem to be unwilling to invest time and effort to meet the writing task demands. 

In this situation, teacher needs to find ways how to motivate students as they are now called the 21st century learners, to write recount text. Teacher can integrate the Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in helping students to improve their ability in writing recount text. Students at 8th grade usually are already good in using ICT especially in using Smartphone that has internet connection. Teacher can use one of social networks to improve students’ achievement in writing recount text.

Writing in the 21st century enables writers to employ many types of digital technology and social networking. The writers are everywhere as well as the readers. The new concept of writing is to share, to encourage dialogue, and importantly to participate (Yancey: 2009, p.4). There is a tool that meets those concepts, namely Storybird. Storybird, describing itself as collaborative storytelling, is a social media service that allows users to create a story to connect with users regardless of ages and places. Storybird is one of website 2.0 tools where the users can select artwork and write the text to create digital books that can be shared to others. This website is free, so the users only need to become their members and sign up to the websites. The account in this web tool has three types namely personal (regular and parent), school/edu (students and educator), and professional (professional artist and professional writer) Storybird provides many theme categories of pictures such as life experience, including adventure, holiday, diary, family, friends, travelling, hiking, camping, shopping, scary, and school life. (Avery:2011) summarizes that Storybird is extremely engaging site that allows students to focus more on the content of their writing rather than drawing pictures.

2. Title :
The title of the study is :

3. The Problem of the Study
The problem of the study is formulated as the following:
“Does Storybird Media improve students’ achievement in writing recount text?”

4. The Subject of the Research
The subject that will be taken in this research is eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sidamanik.

5. References :
Yancey, Kathleen B. 2009. Writing in the 21st Century. A report from the National Council of Teachers of English. Retrieved on July 24th 2018 from

Avery, S.2011.Storybird a Collaborative Storytelling Tool.Retrieved on July 24th, 2018 from 

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