Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Task 1
In the appendix there are 20 captions which you will read carefully and analyze.
The first task is to group the captions according to the formats.
1.      First, you will read to understand the captions below. Make sure that you know the meaning of every word and every part of each news report.
2.      Then, you will copy each of them into the table.
3.      Finally, you will group them according to the visible format.
Some have been done for you as examples. 

Persistent Kevin, Marcus claim 2nd All England title
Winning duo: Indonesia’s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (left) and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon pose on the podium with their tophies after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen during the men’s doubles final at the All England Open Badminton Championships in Birmingham, England, on Sunday.
Collaboration key to achieving goal in human rights fight
Celebrating rights: Missing Persons and Victims of Violance (Kontras) forum members (left to right) Franz Magnis Suseno, Bambang Widodo Umar, Marzuki Darusman, Yati Andriyani, Albert Hasibuan and HS Dillon talk to reporters in Kontras’ office in Central Jakarta on Monday. The group shared their views about the state of human rights in the country.
Handbag aficianados navigate taxes, fakes to dress in style
Love for bags:  People browse discounted bags at a shopping mall in Jakarta.
Tennis great Navratilova slams BBC over Wimboldon pay
Martina Navratilova John McEnroe

Different Types of Captions
The next step is to put the captions with a similar format together. Some have been done for you as examples.
Group 1:
Caption 1, 2, 3

Persistent Kevin, Marcus claim 2nd All England title
Winning duo: Indonesia’s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (left) and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon pose on the podium with their tophies after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen during the men’s doubles final at the All England Open Badminton Championships in Birmingham, England, on Sunday.
Collaboration key to achieving goal in human rights fight
Celebrating rights: Missing Persons and Victims of Violance (Kontras) forum members (left to right) Franz Magnis Suseno, Bambang Widodo Umar, Marzuki Darusman, Yati Andriyani, Albert Hasibuan and HS Dillon talk to reporters in Kontras’ office in Central Jakarta on Monday. The group shared their views about the state of human rights in the country.
Handbag aficianados navigate taxes, fakes to dress in style
Love for bags:  People browse discounted bags at a shopping mall in Jakarta.

Group 2:
Caption 13, 14

Crisis Talk
Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) chief commissioner Halim Alamsyah (left) poses with speakers Seung Kon-oh from the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (second left), former chairman of the Indonesia Bank Restructuring Agency, Glenn Yusuf (second right), and distinguished fellow of Asia Global Institute, the University of Hong Kong, Andrew Sheng, after a seminar entitled “20 Years of Asian Financial Crisis: Strengthening Infrastructure for Financial Crisis Resolution” in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Blood pressure
A staff member of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) arranges blood bags on a shelf in Jakarta on Thursday. Blood donations tend to drop during Ramadhan, leaving the PMI able to provide only between 250 and 300 bags of blood a day compared to 1,500 to 2000 bags on normal days.

Group 3:
Caption 4

Tennis great Navratilova slams BBC over Wimboldon pay
Martina Navratilova  John McEnroe

Task 2
Now, you will analyze the social functions of the captions, by identifying the focus, the context, and the relationship with their respective headlines.
To do this, you need to answer the following questions:
1.      What/Who is the highlight of each caption?
2.      How is the picture contextualized?.
3.      How does the caption relate to the headlines?
Caption 1 has been analyzed for you as an example. Study the example carefully, and then analyze all the other captions.
Question 1:
1.      What/Who is the highlight of each caption?
The bolded words “winning duo” helps you to know who or what your attention needs to be focused on. The picture shows Kevin and Marcus holding their trophies with happy smiles. This is what the picture highlights: Kevin and Marcus, winning the All England title again.

The Highlight: Kevin and Marcus, winning the All England title.

Caption 1
Persistent Kevin, Marcus claim 2nd All England title

(The Jakarta Post, Tuesday, March 20, 2018, p. 1)

Winning duo: Indonesia’s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (left) and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon pose on the podium with their tophies after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen during the men’s doubles final at the All England Open Badminton Championships in Birmingham, England, on Sunday.

Question 2:
1.      How is the picture contextualized?
A picture can be contextualized by explicit statements of the circumstances surrounding the the event.

The Context of the picture
The circumstances surrounding the event:
-          on the podium
-          with their tophies
-          after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen
-          during the men’s doubles final at the All England Open Badminton Championships
-          in Birmingham, England,
-          on Sunday

Question 3:
2.      How does the caption relate to the headlines?

The Relation to the Headline
The headline is “Persistent Kevin, Marcus claim 2nd All England title”. The word ‘winning’ in the caption is closely associated with the word ‘persistent’; ‘duo’ refers to Kevin and Marcus.

Task 3
Now, you will analyze the text structures of the captions. Some have been done for you as an examples. Study them carefully. Then, analyze the text structures of the other captions.
The Structure of the Captions in Group 1

Group 1:
Caption 1, 2, 3
What about
Winning duo:

Indonesia’s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (left) and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon


on the podium

With what
with their tophies

after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen

during the men’s doubles final

at the All England Open Badminton Championships

in Birmingham, England,

on Sunday.

Group 2:
Caption 13, 14
Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) chief commissioner Halim Alamsyah (left)


with speakers Seung Kon-oh from the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (second left), former chairman of the Indonesia Bank Restructuring Agency, Glenn Yusuf (second right), and distinguished fellow of Asia Global Institute, the University of Hong Kong, Andrew Sheng,

after a seminar entitled “20 Years of Asian Financial Crisis: Strengthening Infrastructure for Financial Crisis Resolution”

in Jakarta

on Wednesday.

Group 3:
Caption 4
Martina Navratilova

John McEnroe

Task 4
Now, you will analyse the lexicogrammatical features of the captions.

1)      The main part of most captions is one or two grammatically complete sentences, consisting of
-          the Subject (Who/What?)
-          the Verb
-          the Object/Complement (Who/What?)
-          Prepositional Phrases of Time (When?)
-          Prepositional Phrases of Place (Where?)

2)      The Verb
-          the first sentence is usually in the Simple Present Tense, in the Active voice: pose, talk, browse, holds, poses, sign, celebrates, sign, stands, loot, supply, is, photographs, comes, poses, arranges, can’t command.
-          the second sentence is usually in the Simple PastTense: shared, was, was.

3)      Prepositional phrases to state the place, time, and other circumstances
Example: Caption 1
-          on the podium, with their trophies, after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen, during the men’s doubles final, at the All England Open Badminton Championships, in Birmingham, England, on Sunday.

4)      Bold characters to state the headline, mostly in Noun Phrases or Present Participles.
-          Winning duo:
-          Celebrating rights:

Dear Instructor,

I am sorry for not being able to do Learning Task M 4 LA 2 especially task 1 – 4 because I cannot find 20 captions in the appendix.  

Thank you

Task 5
Get five pictures that you have taken yourselves or that you know very well as to the people and the things captured there the time, and the place associated with the highlighted. Use the questions for the social functions and the tables of analysis as a guide to writing a caption. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct.


The Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, collaborated with the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Syafruddin, and the Head of the State Personnel Agency, Bima Haria Wibisana, signed a Joint Decree at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Thursday, 13th September 2018.

President Director of the Implementing Agency of Lake Toba Authority, Arie Prasetyo, (far left) and Executive Director of BI's Money Management Department, Suhadi (center) in a discussion "Dissemination of Monetary Policy, Strengthening External Economic Balance and Tourism Development Strategy at Bank Indonesia Representative Office, North Sumatra , Thursday, September 13 2018.

Source: writer's doc.
SMP Negeri 1 Sidamanik got 1st place in the junior high school parade competition at the 73rd Indonesian Independence Day celebration at Sarimatondang Sidamanik Field. The teacher, Apriyanti Damanik together with the leaders of students’ parade received the trophy from the Sidamanik sub-district head.

Source: Whatsapp Group - School
A fire broke out at a house of a resident, Juli Sidauruk (Pak Sara) on Jalan Suka Mulia, Sarimatondang Village, Sidamanik Subdistrict, Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at around 09.30 WIB due to electrical short circuit. The fire was extinguished at around 10:30 a.m. with the help of the surrounding residents. The family members were safe but the house was gutted by fire.


Deputy Regent of Simalungun, Amran Sinaga, welcomed the return of 177 pilgrims from Simalungun Regency at the Asy-Syuhada Mosque Korem 022 PT, Jalan Asahan, Siantar District, Wednesday, September 12 2018.

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