Monday, January 7, 2019


Write down strategies and learning steps that you can do to apply constructivism learning theory in the learning process!

Teaching Material       : Descriptive Text
Grade                          : 7th Grade of Junior High School
Basic competencies     :
3.7 Comparing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of some oral and written descriptive text by giving and soliciting information related to the description of people, animals, and objects, is very short and simple, in accordance with the context of its use.
4.7.1 Capturing contextually meaning related to social function, text structure, and linguistic element of descriptive oral and written text, very short and simple, related to people, animals, and objects.
4.7.2 Prepare descriptive oral and written text, very short and simple, in relation to persons, animals, and things, taking into account the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and contextually
Learning Method        : Scientific Approach
Learning Activities     :

  1. Students read written texts, listen to conversation that involves expressing and describing objects, people, or animals.
  2. Students record vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and cultural aspects that they haven’t known.

  1. Students ask about vocabulary from text.
  2. Students ask about the pronunciation or expression from the text.
  3. Students ask about the use of grammar on sentences.
  4. Students ask about cultural aspects of the text.

Collecting Information
  1. Students read other examples of descriptive oral and written text from various sources with        regard to social function, text structure and linguistic elements.
  2. Students make observations and interviews or ask for teacher explanation to collect information related questions.
  3. Students use dictionaries to obtain information and difficult word or phrase pronunciation.
  4. Students read grammar books to get information on the use of sentences.
  5. Students use the internet to search information relevant to descriptive text.

  1. With teacher guidance, groups of students study examples of descriptive texts in order to mention the social functions, text structures and linguistic elements of the text.
  2. Students identify, compare, and categorize descriptive text samples to find patterns and answer questions that have been asked.

  1. Each group presents the descriptive text and its elements that have been studied.
  2. Students individually convey what they have known about descriptive text.
  3. Students receive feedback (content, social function, structure, and linguistic elements of text) from the teacher.

  1. In group of students make similar descriptive text through discussion.
  2. Students draft descriptive text individually.
  3. Students develop descriptive text based on the draft that has been made.
  4. Students deliver verbally the descriptive text they write in their groups.
  5. Students display their writing on the students’ creativity board.

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