Monday, January 7, 2019


(Instructional Design)

Class                                                    : 8th Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Sidamanik
Number of Students                            : 32
Age Range                                          : 13-15 years old
Level of Language Proficiency          : Upper Basic
Duration                                              : 1 Meeting (2X40 Minutes)
Lesson Topic                                       : Greeting card
Skill Focus                                          : Reading/Writing

I. General Aims                                             :
-          Comparing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of some special texts in the form of greeting cards, by giving and soliciting information related to special days
-          Creating functional texts in the form of greeting cards, very short and simple, related to special days by observing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements, correctly and contextually

II. Specific Objectives:
-          To help students in identifying various kind of greeting cards
-          To help students identifying the purpose of greeting cards
-          To help students learning and practicing vocabulary related to greetings for special days with correct pronunciation and word stressing
-          To help students designing or creating greeting card with the correct social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements.

III. Teaching Aids :
·         Chart paper
·         Greeting cards for students to explore
·         Blank cards for student creations
·         Art supplies (pencils, crayons, markers, etc.)
·         Greeting Card Scavenger Hunt cut into task strips (one set per group)
·         Recording sheets (one per group)
·         Creating a Greeting Card worksheet (one per student)
·         Student’s book
IV. Instructional Procedures:
A.    Pre-Activities (10 Minutes)
·         Activate students’ prior knowledge and  review common greeting card characteristics
·         Explain that people send greeting cards for many reasons. Share a greeting card sent to me with the class—who sent it, why, how I felt. Ask students to think about a time they sent or received a greeting card. TURN AND TALK with a partner.
o   Why did you send/receive the card?
o   How did you feel?
o   Describe the card.
·         Share a few greeting cards with the class (birthday, thank you, religious events). Discuss why these cards might be sent.
·         Revisit the times students have sent/received a card. Start recording reasons on a chart labeled “TYPES OF GREETING CARDS”
·         Explain that students will now act as “greeting card detectives”. They will have a stack of cards to sort in their investigative groups.

B.     Whilst Activities (60 Minutes)
·         Instruct students to take a few minutes to read/look at the cards. Then have them sort cards into categories. Circulate the room to assist and keep students on task.
·         Explain that students will now create their own greeting cards using the techniques they have explored. Display the charts previously created.
·         Hand out and review the Creating a Greeting Card worksheet. Go over each point to help students establish a purpose for writing.
·         Allow students to draft the words of their card in their journal. Edit with students and allow them to revise.
·         Provide blank greeting cards and supplies for students to create a final version of their card.
C.    End of Activities (10 Minutes)
·         Share student work/allow students to demonstrate reading fluency
·         Encourage students to read their cards in a manner that is appropriate to the message they are sending to build oral reading fluency.
·         Allow students to share with multiple peers and engage them in 2-3 rounds of “Turn-and-Talk”. Model for them how to provide positive feedback to peers.
 ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Authentic assessment (using rubric) and Portofolio will be conducted in the teaching and learning process.
·         Formative assessment: Ask students to describe their prior experiences with greeting cards, adding student data to a group-created chart. Observe students’ interactions in small groups with sorting activity. Informally assess their contributions to the class-created chart of card characteristics.
·         Summative assessment: Use group-created recording sheets to check for students’ identification of language conventions as described. Collect and assess students’ greeting cards using a rubric.

Student-created Greeting Card Rubric

4 3 2 1
Purpose Distinct purpose and clear message Card has purpose and message Lacks a purpose or clear message Lacks a purpose
Illustration Illustrations match the text and are visually appealing Illustrations attempt to match text and are visually appealing Illustrations not incorporated or lack visual appeal Lacks illustrations and visual appeal
Creativity Creative and writer’s crafting techniques are apparent May imitate another author’s ideas but attempts creativity Imitates another author’s ideas Does not attempt creativity
Conventions Few, if any, spelling revisions need to be made Punctuation and spelling may need some revision Punctuation or spelling need major revisions Major punctuation or spelling revisions need to be made

Creating a Greeting Card

1.      To whom do you want to send a greeting card?

2.      What kind of card do you want to make?

3.      What do you want your card to say?

4.      Will you use any rhyming words? Which ones?

5.      What type of illustration will you have on your card?

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