Friday, January 11, 2019


Reflective Summary M3 LA 4


Spoof is a type of story which has a twist (funny part in the end of the story) that contains an unpredictable and funny ending story.

1. The social function
The social function of spoof is to retell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers.

2. The generic structure
The generic structure of spoof is:

- Orientation

The beginning of the story contains the introduction of characters and the setting of the story about who, when, where sets the scene.

- Events

Series of event contains what happen to the characters tell what happened.

- Twist

Twist contains unpredictable funny ending of the story.

3. The significant lexico-grammatical features
The significant lexico-grammatical features of spoof are:

- Focus on individual participants of use of material processes

- Circumstances of time and place

- Use of past tense

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